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- INFO-HAMS Digest Sun, 24 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1063
- Today's Topics:
- * SpaceNews 25-Dec-89 *
- Illinois LICENSE for hams
- News From OSCAR-11 22-Dec-89
- Packet compression, what issue? (2 msgs)
- Re: ARRL and tx/rx mods
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 24 Dec 89 02:15:55 GMT
- From: masscomp!ocpt!tsdiag!ka2qhd!kd2bd@think.com (John Magliacane)
- Subject: * SpaceNews 25-Dec-89 *
- Message-ID: <67@ka2qhd.UUCP>
- Bulletin ID: SPC91225
- ---------
- SpaceNews
- ---------
- SpaceNews originates at KD2BD in Wall Township, NJ, and is distributed weekly
- around the world. It is available for UNLIMITED distribution.
- ------------------
- The UoSAT-D and UoSAT-E spacecraft have been successfully integrated with the
- Ariane Structure for Auxiliary Payloads (ASAP) and are now waiting for launch
- on 11 January at 01:34 GMT - alongside SPOT-2 and the four AMSAT Microsats.
- The ASAP, UO-D & E and the four AMSAT Microsats shared a large clean room at
- the Ariane launch complex. With six spacecraft being worked on
- simultaneously, the scene was one of considerable activity!
- The completed composite (SPOT + UoSATs/Microsats + fairing) will remain in the
- Assembly Hall over the Christmas period. On January 3rd, the composite will be
- moved to the launch pad and integrated onto the launcher.
- * 1990 METEORS *
- ----------------
- Peak Times for 1990 Meteor Showers:
- Shower Name Date Peak (UTC) Duration Accuracy (+/-)
- ----------- ---- ---------- -------- --------------
- Quadrantids 03 January 1145 14 hours 15 minutes
- Lyrids 22 April 0441 2.3 days 12 hours
- Eta Aquarids 05 May 0612 3 days 12 hours
- Piscids 05 May 1913 ? ?
- Arietids 07 June 1253 8 days 12 hours
- Zeta Perseids 09 June 2136 ? ?
- Delta Aquarids 29 July 0818 7 days 12 hours
- Perseids 12 August 0625 4.6 days 75 minutes
- Orionids 21 October 0145 2 days 12 hours
- Taurids 03 November 1457 20 days 12 hours
- Cassiopeids 03 November 1430 ? ?
- Leonids 17 November 0804 4 days 12 hours
- Geminids 13 December 1204 2.5 days 12 hours
- Ursids 22 December 1530 2.2 days 12 hours
- [Thanks to Joe Reisert, W1JR, for doing the work necessary to calculate this
- information.]
- -----------------------
- The following information is provided by AMSAT-DL.
- MODE B MA 000 TO MA 110
- MODE JL MA 110 TO MA 145
- OFF MA 145 TO MA 150 BAHN LAT +3.6 deg
- S BEACON MA 146 TO MA 147 BAHN LON 179.4 deg
- MODE S MA 147 TO MA 160
- MODE B MA 150 TO MA 255
- OMNI ANT MA 225 TO MA 035
- * SpaceNews FEEDBACK *
- ----------------------
- From: David Oliver Eisman
- Organization: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
- Date: Sun, 19 Nov 89 00:32:36 MST
- To: ka2qhd!kd2bd
- Hi. Just wanted to say thanks for the regular spaceNews service
- that you provide.
- Ollie N6LTJ
- Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
- Univ. of New Mexico Chapter
- SEDS Satellite Tracking Station
- -----
- From: bowen@acsu.buffalo.edu
- Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 16:57:00 EST
- To: kd2bd@ka2qhd.uucp
- Well, since you asked... I've thought about dropping you a note a few times
- telling you that I really love what you're doing. I've gotten quite a bit out
- of SpaceNews (I just recently wrote for a copy of the mission charts from
- SPARK you mentioned) and it's in a format that's really easy to assimilate.
- Thanks! And keep up the good work!
- Devon
- ---------------------
- Feedback regarding SpaceNews can be directed to the author (John) via any
- of the following paths:
- UUCP : ucbvax!rutgers!petsd!tsdiag!ka2qhd!kd2bd
- <<< Stay on course......Say YES to Morse! >>>
- * SpaceNews * >> Satellite News You Won't Find Everywhere Else << * SpaceNews *
- <eof>
- --
- AMPR : KD2BD @ NN2Z (Neptune, NJ)
- UUCP : ucbvax!rutgers!petsd!tsdiag!ka2qhd!kd2bd
- "For every problem, there is one solution which is simple,
- neat and wrong." -- H.L. Mencken
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Dec 89 19:07:40 GMT
- From: asuvax!stjhmc!f1.n234.z1.fidonet.org!Jim.Grubs@handies.ucar.edu (Jim Grubs)
- Subject: Illinois LICENSE for hams
- Message-ID: <10062.25951EC6@stjhmc.fidonet.org>
- > From: mac@idacrd.UUCP (Robert McGwier)
- >
- > I was appalled to learn for the first time of this
- > bill in the Illinois
- > legislature for licensing of communications equipment
- > by the state
- > of Illinois. This was reported in this news book (!!)
- > that came out
- > a couple of days ago Ham Radio Newsletter Volume 1,
- > Number 1 edited
- > (compiled?) by KB9BVN.
- FidoNet HAM/PACKET Digest, Vol. 1, Number 1 was published several months ago.
- The Illinois situation has since changed since then. The bill was watered down
- to make it harmless. Nothing was heard about it again, so I don't even know if
- it ever even came to a vote. Judging by the lack of protests, I'd guess it died
- the death of a rag doll.
- 73 de Jim Grubs, W8GRT
- --
- Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!234!1!Jim.Grubs
- Internet: Jim.Grubs@f1.n234.z1.fidonet.org
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Dec 89 18:02:50 GMT
- From: att!tsdiag!ka2qhd!kd2bd@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (John Magliacane)
- Subject: News From OSCAR-11 22-Dec-89
- Message-ID: <66@ka2qhd.UUCP>
- TODAY'S DATE IS 23 /12 /89
- UNIVERSAL TIME IS 15 :43 :47 DAY 7
- WOD COMMENCED 23 /12 /89 AT 0 :0 :10
- WITH CHANNELS 10 ,11 ,19 ,29 ,
- **** UoSAT-OSCAR-11 BULLETIN - 207 22nd December 1989 ****
- University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5XH, England
- The UoSAT-D and UoSAT-E spacecraft have been successfully integrated with the
- Ariane Structure for Auxiliary Payloads (ASAP) and are now waiting for launch
- on 11 January at 01:34 GMT - alongside SPOT-2 and the four AMSAT Microsats.
- The ASAP, UO-D & E and the four AMSAT Microsats shared a large clean room at
- the Ariane launch complex. With six spacecraft being worked on
- simultaneously, the scene was one of considerable activity!
- Most of the UoSAT launch team has now returned from French Guiana after
- preparing the satellite for integration and carrying out detailed funstional
- check-out procedures. Martin Sweeting G3YJO and Neville Bean G8NOB have
- returned to UoS, whilst Jeff Ward K8KA has travelled to the USA. Maarten "Max"
- Meerman, G7DQE from UOSAT and Dave Cowdin, WD0HHU from AMSAT-NA remain in
- Kourou to 'baby-sit' the UoSATs/Microsats and trickle charge their batteries
- during their wait for launch in January.
- The completed composite (SPOT + UoSATs/Microsats + fairing) will remain in the
- Assembly Hall over the Christmas period. On January 3rd, the composite will be
- moved to the launch pad and integrated onto the launcher.
- The UoSAT launch campaign went very smoothly - which was as well since the
- satellites and ground support equipment were delayed for 5 of the 10 days of
- the campaign! Systems and payloads on both spacecraft are performing
- nominally. Arianespace provided a very professional yet friendly service.
- Details of initial operations, telemetry formats and equations will be
- published early in the new year as soon as they are finalised. However, it is
- most likely that initial operations on both spacecraft will utilise an
- enhanced version of the FORTH software used on UoSAT-2. This software provides
- the necessary facilities to perform initial check-out and attitude control
- prior to deployment of the gravity gradient boom used to stabilise the
- spacecraft in its final earth pointing configuration.
- The following information is provided by AMSAT-DL.
- MODE B MA 000 TO MA 110
- MODE JL MA 110 TO MA 145
- OFF MA 145 TO MA 150 BAHN LAT +3.6 deg
- S BEACON MA 146 TO MA 147 BAHN LON 179.4 deg
- MODE S MA 147 TO MA 160
- MODE B MA 150 TO MA 255
- OMNI ANT MA 225 TO MA 035
- AMSAT OSCAR-10 is currently available for whole orbit operation via the mode B
- transponder.
- ** Reports received from:-
- Angus Newman, Birger Lindholm, K9CIS
- Thanks for all of the reports received this year, Merry Christmas and a Happy
- New Year from "The UoSAT Team".
- ** $BID **
- Please use BID $UOSAT.207 for PR BBS use.
- --
- AMPR : KD2BD @ NN2Z (Neptune, NJ)
- UUCP : ucbvax!rutgers!petsd!tsdiag!ka2qhd!kd2bd
- "For every problem, there is one solution which is simple,
- neat and wrong." -- H.L. Mencken
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Dec 89 19:07:48 GMT
- From: asuvax!stjhmc!f1.n234.z1.fidonet.org!Jim.Grubs@handies.ucar.edu (Jim Grubs)
- Subject: Packet compression, what issue?
- Message-ID: <10063.25951EC8@stjhmc.fidonet.org>
- > From: sampson@attctc.Dallas.TX.US (Steve Sampson)
- >
- > In article <1250102@hpnmdla.HP.COM>,
- > alanb@hpnmdla.HP.COM (Alan Bloom) writes:
- > > ... If you are ARC'ing a file to save transmission
- > > bandwidth, than that conforms to the spirit of the FCC rules, if you
- > > are encoding the transmission in order to obscure the meaning, then
- > > you're out of line.
- > >
- > > Al N1AL
- > By ARC'ing a text file you have generated code that
- > uses the eighth-bit.
- > Any code using the eighth-bit is unspecified.
- > Unspecified codes are
- > restricted to 6m and up. The restriction was probably
- > meant to keep the
- > ARC file transmissions out of the HF bands, but I'm
- > only guessing. That's
- I think the logic is there is no standard accepted by all as to what the ASCII
- characters above 127 are. IBM has their version, Commodore theirs, etc.
- 73 de Jim Grubs, W8GRT
- --
- Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!234!1!Jim.Grubs
- Internet: Jim.Grubs@f1.n234.z1.fidonet.org
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Dec 89 19:07:55 GMT
- From: asuvax!stjhmc!f1.n234.z1.fidonet.org!Jim.Grubs@handies.ucar.edu (Jim Grubs)
- Subject: Packet compression, what issue?
- Message-ID: <10064.25951ECA@stjhmc.fidonet.org>
- > From: perry@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Perry Scott)
- > Perhaps we can conform to the spirit of the law by
- > adopting public conventions
- > for compressed files. The "Z" convention for Lempil-
- > Ziv UNIX(tm) files makes
- > the "cipher" readable by anyone.
- I don't know how all this cipher stuff got into the thread. My original
- question was based on the fact the International Telegraphic Alphabet #5
- doesn't define any ASCII characters above 127.
- 73 de Jim Grubs, W8GRT
- --
- Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!234!1!Jim.Grubs
- Internet: Jim.Grubs@f1.n234.z1.fidonet.org
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Dec 89 19:07:31 GMT
- From: asuvax!stjhmc!f1.n234.z1.fidonet.org!Jim.Grubs@handies.ucar.edu (Jim Grubs)
- Subject: Re: ARRL and tx/rx mods
- Message-ID: <10061.25951EC4@stjhmc.fidonet.org>
- > From: perry@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Perry Scott)
- > I recant. I said Marine VHF, and what you say is
- > true. That band requires
- > type acceptance.
- >
- > However, CAP other para-military frequencies are well
- > within the
- > capabilities of most 2-meter rigs. I've been told
- > that most military
- > bands do not need the type acceptance.
- >
- > Funny how the government treats itself and commercial
- > interests differently.
- Of course, I forgot to mention that the federal government has a VERY direct
- enforcement handle on their own internal communications systems.
- 73 de Jim Grubs, W8GRT
- --
- Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!234!1!Jim.Grubs
- Internet: Jim.Grubs@f1.n234.z1.fidonet.org
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1063
- ***************************************